Concepts and discovery of having a character from the movie introduce the user to the interface. For the theme-park attraction 'PandaDROOM' by the WWF.
Concepts for discovery of touch-screen keys and backgrounds. For the theme-park attraction: 'PandaDROOM' by the WWF.
2010 - The website for the television channel CineMOI in Los Angeles, CA
2010 - Members of Club CM were able to select favorite movies. A text-message was sent to the member's phone when a movie was about to start. For the television station CineMOI in Los Angeles, CA
Concept art for discovery of the touch-screen interface for morphing a photo to a character from the movie. For the theme-park attraction: 'PandaDROOM' by the WWF.
Concept and discovery of having a character from the movie communicate to the user through the touch-screen interface. For the theme-park attraction 'PandaDROOM' by the WWF.
2007 - Rutgers Center For Applied Psychology on the NOA Little platform - as directed by Rutgers and the NJ Department of Education (IE 5 compatible).
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